>>>>Comfortable & Free<<<<
>>>Some History<<< >>>I'm Sure Glad Your Here<<<
Hello, my name is Aaron, I am 28yrs old. I've been working in the construction trade since 1988.

I have become involed with Pre-Paid Legal Services because I think it's something everyone can use. I have been given the opportunity to leave the construction trade and also make a unlimited income to be comfortable and free.

Pre-Paid Legal was founded in 1972, after a terrible accident left it's founder, Harland Stonecipher, who was not at fault, in a very costly court battle. He searched the country for a legal service plan to help him with his case and costs.He found none except in Europe. So he started the legal service plan to help those who couldn't afford but needed legal help at an affordable cost.

Pre-Paid Legal is a publicly held corporation on the N.Y.S.E (PPD). MONEY magazine ranked the top 50 stocks of the 90's and Pre-Paid Legal ranked #13,ahead of companies like Microsoft, which ranked #17. FORTUNE magazine has rated Pre-Paid Legal as one of the fastest growing companies in America for two years in a row. FORBES magazine has recognized Pre-Paid Legal as #13 of the best 200 best small companies in America three years in a row.
Now let's say you were my attorney and you would charge me $100 per/hr.(rediculous)

I tell you I'm married and have 2 children, one is a teenage driver.

What I would like you to do is give me a flat rate to provide me with Legal Services, for me, my spouse and my children.

An outline of our requirements would be to pick up the phone and talk to you about any legal matter, whether personal or business at anytime during business hours.

We want to have you write letters, make phone calls,or review contracts on our behalf.

We want you to draft up our wills and review and update them each year as needed.

We want you to set up a 1-800 # so we can contact you through out the country.
Anywhere, anytime I want you to provide us with legal advice or refer us to another attorney where ever I am, the attorney is to bill you and you pay them out of that monthly fee,arrangement we set up.

"OK so tell me now what monthly fee would you charge me??"

How about a cup of coffee a day!!
>>>Interesting Stuff<<<
With Pre-Paid Legal Services there are many different Plans to suit the person looking to put a the legal umbrella over their families heads. There are also plans for Law Officers, Comercial Truck Drivers and there are Business Plans for the people that already own a business. We have also been given an opportunity for you to make a umlimited income and recieve a residual income aswell. I am looking for people to join my team and become comfortably free, to enjoy there life to live. If you would like to know more click on one of the links below, or e-mail me at [email protected] or at [email protected] and i will get back to you ASAP,,thanks
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Pre-Paid Legal Services
To Be Free and Comfortable Look Here


Dave Savula
This is a great guy to look at!!!

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